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    Ant Mascot Partner& sell to 50 Crore+ customers

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    Why do sellers love selling on Ant-mascot?

    45 crore+ customers across India trust to be their number 1 online shopping destination. It is no surprise that more than a million sellers trust their products to be made available 24×7 on Partners.

    Fulfilment by Partners

    Worried about storing, packing, shipping, and delivering your products? Let Partners do it all for you.

    Partners Ads

    Curious how your products will stand out from your competitors and gain maximum visibility?

    Shopping Festivals

    Get access to India's biggest shopping festivals, The Big Billion Day, Big Diwali Sale, and more.

    Learning Center

    Personalised learning modules, exclusive webinars, tutorial videos, and more to help sell better faster.

    Account Management

    Improve product selection, product pricing, business insights, & more with our expert in-house account managers.

    Mobile App

    Manage your online seller account 24×7 with Partners Seller Hub App. Compatible with all Android & iOS devices.

    Seller Success Stories

    14 Lakh+ sellers trust Ant Mascot for their online business.

    Raju Lunawath

    Raju Lunawath



    Flipkart's support & innovation fueled my exponential growth. I started with 1 category and moved to 6 categories with an astounding 5x Year on Year expansion!

    Access our tools to grow faster on Partners

    We understand that your online business may require additional support from time to time, and we've got you covered. With your Partners account, you gain access to a range of tools designed to help grow your online business.

    Fulfilment by Partners

    Worried about storing, packing, shipping, and delivering your products? Let Partners do it all for you.

    Partners Ads

    Curious how your products will stand out from your competitors and gain maximum visibility?

    Shopping Festivals

    Get access to India's biggest shopping festivals, The Big Billion Day, Big Diwali Sale, and more.

    Learning Center

    Personalised learning modules, exclusive webinars, tutorial videos, and more to help sell better faster.

    Account Management

    Improve product selection, product pricing, business insights, & more with our expert in-house account managers.

    Mobile App

    Manage your online seller account 24×7 with Partners Seller Hub App. Compatible with all Android & iOS devices.

    Your Journey on Partners

    Starting your online business with Partners is easy. 14 lakh+ sellers trust Partners with their business



    Register in just 10 mins with valid GST, address, & bank details



    List your products (min 1 no.) that you want to sell on Partners



    Receive orders from over 45 crore+ Partners customers



    Partners ensures stress free delivery of your products



    Receive payment 7 days* from the date of dispatch of your order

    Take a sneak peek 👀 into our platform

    The All New Homepage. Personalized just for you!

    Our new homepage is personalized for all our sellers, from a new seller to an evolved one. Experience industry-leading features.

    Platform Preview

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